Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

False battery and child endangerment charges

My girlfriend and I had a falling out 2 weeks ago and she called the police to escort her through the apartment to get her belongings. As they were going through the apartment, another officer was talking to her son(3) and he told the police I had pushed his mommy down and had thrown him on the sofa. I was just found out I have a warrant for my arrest for battery and child endangerment. I did not hit my girlfriend, I pushed her away as she was hitting me, and I never hurt her child. She is not the one pressing the charges, it is the police. They did not arrest me when they were at my house. I am confused by these false charges, what can I do?

Asked on 11/23/08, 8:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kelly Papa Law Office of Kelly Papa

Re: False battery and child endangerment charges

First of all, you need to find out more about your warrant, and turn yourself in. You will need an attorney. I suggest you get your bond situation figured out. You can then turn yourself in, in time to go before a judge for first appearance, where your attorney may be able to argue for a lesser bond or an ROR. Right now, it is just the police who are pressing charges, once you are found on your warrant, the State Attorney will look at the charges. If you have no prior record, and your girlfriend maintains not wanting to press charges, you may never see the inside of a courtroom.

Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

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Answered on 11/23/08, 9:00 pm

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