Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

need HELP filling out defendants pro se motion to modify/terminate probation...does CASE# mean UCN#? does SECTION mean criminal division I?..I am in pinellas county florida,and have the moyion sheet blank in front of me,but am unsure of exactly what the answers are..HELP

Asked on 9/03/09, 3:05 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Yes, UCN stands for Uniform Case Number. But as long as you file it in the same court where you were placed on probation, your original case number should be fine.

The Uniform Case Number system works as follow: XX-XXXX-XX-XXXXXX-XXXX

The first two characters are the county designation code. Florida has 66 counties and the codes are assigned from 01 - 66 in alphabetical order.

The next four characters are the year your case was opened in the court.

The following two characters are the case type: CF= Felony, MM = Misdemeanor, CT = Criminal Traffic.

The following six characters are the case sequence; simply meaning the number assigned to a case as they are opened each year. The first case of each year in each division is assigned 000001, the second case is 000002, and so on.

The final six numbers are county specific and used however the individual counties wish.

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Answered on 9/03/09, 9:32 am

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