Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

finger prints

can a cop say they have your finger prints on an item that was stolen if they do not?

Asked on 8/23/08, 2:21 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Valerie Masters Valerie Masters, P.A.

Re: finger prints

Yes a cop can lie about the evidence they have during the investigation in order to get more inofrmation from a suspect. They have tot tell the truth in court. That is why you never talk tot police without a lawyer present.

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Answered on 8/23/08, 3:05 pm
Aaron Slavin Slavin Law Firm, LLC

Re: finger prints

YES. Cops lie all the time. Part of it is normal police practice and/or an interogation skill that they are trained to use. If you have any further questins about this or any other criminal issue, please feel free to check out my website at: or call my office.

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Answered on 8/23/08, 4:41 pm

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