Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

a friend of mines family member was arrested in florida and was on probation and left the state and they put out a warrant for his arrest years ago and he was pulled over for a traffic infraction and they held him and contacted the state he was arrested in and the state of florida said they wouldnt transport him. does that mean that the charge is voided?

Asked on 8/17/10, 2:51 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Craig Epifanio Craig Epifanio, P.A.

No it just means that the state he is in now won't extradite him. If he ever goes to another state or if he leaves the country and returns, it will still be there, and he will be re-arrested. In other words, it will always be there until he takes care of it.

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Answered on 8/23/10, 2:36 pm

No, it just means that Florida will not extradite (mean pay the costs of transportation or legal costs) him back to Florida.

For more information on Florida Criminal Defense, please visit my website at

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Answered on 8/24/10, 2:37 pm

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