Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida
grand larceny theft?
My 19 year old daughter was arrested last night for finding a purse with 3K in it, a diamond ring and credit cards totaling 100K in a store that she worked in. She was seen on camera picking up the purse. she left the store and got nervous and through out the purse. she was called back to the store and questioned. the woman wants to press charges, she was arrested and taken to jail. bail was 5k she was let out this morning. what can the possible penalities be for this
Asked on 12/11/07, 3:21 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: grand larceny theft?
She most likely is looking at third degree grand theft. If she is a first time offender I could likely obtain probation or even diversion.
Please call me and I would be happy to discuss the situation with you.
Answered on 12/11/07, 3:33 pm
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