Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Grand Theft?

Im 18 years old and am moving out of my mothers house. My grandmother, her mother, gave me a laptop four years ago as a present. I took it along with all of my other stuff. She then threatened me and said if I didnt give it back to her she would send a warrant out for my arrest. I called a local police department and asked them about this and they told me there was nothing she could do since it was a gift to me. Later that night she had a police woman call my phone and tell me if I dont give it back by monday Ill be arrested for grand theft. My mom lied and told her it was gift to her and took a box I did not realize I left and showed it as proof. I tried talking to the police officer but it seemed she did not care what I had to say. I have a voicemail from my grandma saying it was a gift to me as long as I graduate and go to college, which Im in the process of doing. The police officer said it did not count as proof? Is there anything I can do?

Asked on 3/27/08, 10:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: Grand Theft?

The voicemail might be considered hearsay (meaning it can't be used in your defense), but it still sounds like you have a pretty good defense so long as your grandmother will come to court and say the computer was a gift to you, for completing college or otherwise.

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Answered on 3/29/08, 6:06 pm

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