Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida


On 1999 I had was a victim of police brutallity and they charge with 2 counts of felony and to misdiminors, one misdiminor and one felony where no action and the other two where Nolle Pros Comp PTI.

Some time in the passed I was caught driving with my license suspended wish is a criminal offence in the State of Florida, also I got a ticket for driving at 103 miles per hour in florida wish also is a criminal offense here.

My question is would I be able to spounge my record? Thanks in advanced.

Asked on 1/15/11, 12:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Karen Kilpatrick


If you were convicted ("adjudicated guilty") of any criminal offense, you are ineligible to seal or expunge your record in Florida. If adjudication was withheld on the two later charges, based on the information provided, you likely would be eligible to expunge one of your arrest records. Briefly, in order to be eligible for record expungement in Florida, you can never have been convicted of a crime before, never sealed/expunged a record before, and not be under current court supervision.


Karen Kilpatrick

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Answered on 1/20/11, 12:31 pm

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