Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida
Juvenile System linked to Adult Charge?
I am currently under juvenile probation in Brevard County, with a felony charge reduced to petit theft with adjudication withheld (probation complete 8/04 - early termination requested by PO 11/03 but not yet signed by judge). I am now 18, and was recently charged (5/04) with possession of drug paraphenalia resulting from a traffic stop in someone else's vehicle. Will the courts be able to link the two cases since one is juvenile and the other is adult? Also, can the original felony charge can be brought back and result in jail time because of the probation violation?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Juvenile System linked to Adult Charge?
One of the conditions of probation is that you can not pick up any new criminal offenses.
The courts are able to link both cases.
The original felony charges had already been downfiled to misdemeanor theft so that would most likely remain.
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