Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida


I want to press kiddknapping charges on my x. He is holding my baby and he knows she is not his. but did sign the birth certif. we do not have a court order and we are going to court. he will not let me see her. he will not let me know after day i try to contacted him. this has been going on for 6mo. I want him In Jail For hurting my daughter this way.

Asked on 3/28/08, 8:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: kiddknapping

You need a lawyer right away. You really should have hired a lawyer six month ago.

First, you can't kidnap your own child, so, since he is on the birth certificate, the police almost certainly won't press kidnapping charges against him. However, you can try to report him to the police anyway.

Next, you'll probably have to file an emergency motion for a pick-up order. If it's granted, the police will accompany you to his place to take your child back.

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Answered on 3/29/08, 5:40 pm

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