Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida
If a person is kidnnaped and then rape and murdered, is the crime of kidnnaping a federal crime?
Asked on 2/11/09, 10:04 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
Brent Rose
The Orsini & Rose Law Firm
Re: Kidnapping
Kidnapping, rape, or murder usually only become federal crimes when they involve crossing state lines or occur on federal land, like a federal park.
Even then, though, the crimes are still usually prosecuted by the states as state crimes, not the United States as federal crimes.
Answered on 2/13/09, 12:15 am
Gordon Fenderson
Fenderson Law Firm
Re: Kidnapping
There are federal laws against all the above mentioned activities, but doing them all together has no bearing on the federal jurisdiction. So, your answer is probably no.
Answered on 2/11/09, 11:37 am
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