Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Leaving the State?

I have a friend who is currently carrying two misdeanors in the state of FL. One; for ''worthless check'' and one for ''possession of paraphanelia (sp?). The second offense violated his probation for the first offense.

What will happen to him if he leaves the state of FL and moves to another state without notifying the courts?

I know if he comes back to FL, he will be immediately put in jail. But, can (or will) anyone in the other state bother with the matter - since the crimes did not happen in that state?

Thank you........

Asked on 6/23/04, 12:21 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Leaving the State?

The answer depends on what conditions the Judge put on the VOP Arrest Warrant. If the Judge put that the Defendant is to be extradited if found in another State, then yes your friend will be extradited from another State back to Florida.

If the Judge put no extradition, then every time your friend comes across a cop he will get arrested, spend a week or so in the local jail until they verify that Florida will not pay for extradition. Then he will be released and likely have to go through the process every time he comes across a cop who runs his name.

As for your final question, how do you know if the Judge authorized extradition, the answer is there is no way to tell other than contacting the local sheriff's office.

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Answered on 6/23/04, 1:48 pm

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