Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida
I am currently in the "PTI" pretrial diversion program for possession of under twenty grams of marijuana and paraphernalia and i have finished all community service and have passed 3 drug test and now they want me to attend substance abuse classes but I do not have the time or money to pay for 4 months of classes I was wondering if there was any way I could either finsish the program without the classes being done or i heard of a thing called being held with out adjustification where only community service is required to be done I need advice because I can no longer afford this program I need to be doe with this all
1 Answer from Attorneys
You must comply with all conditions of pre trial diversion. If you violate any term (eg. substance abuse program) you will be terminated from the program. They determine the terms and conditions and what is necessary to successfully complete the program.
Note - A diversion program is preferred to a withhold of adjudication and sentencing. If you complete all terms of the program the recommendation will be dismissal of the case. Once the case is dismissed, depending on other factors, you may be able to expunge (destroy) the record.
This is not the case of a sentencing and adjudication. Furthermore there is no guarantee the Judge will not require you to do classes as a part of any sentencing regardless of whether the judge adjudicates you guilty or withholds adjudication.
Natalie Hall, Esq.
(407) 412-7035
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