Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

sex offender

i was searching the Web for information on lawyers who help sex offenders . My husband of almost a year whom i've known for over 16 years i want to get info on how to get his record either sealed or removed concerning a case like you wrote about well to start it off he lived in NJ but visited his sister here in Florida to only get his life snatched from him sort to say he just turned 18 years old met a young lady who was 16 years old at the time her parents didn't approve of the two seeing each other so they sent her out of state while they pressed charges on him stating sexual relations & him being older he got arrested he got bailed out went back to NJ where he met me then he got pulled over & they ran his name it said Florida wanted him so he got back to Daytona & went back to jail the girls family wouldn't let up but her blood grandfather knew that was false words so him & my husbands friends & family spoke on his behalf, wrote the Judge but nothing changed he got community service they weren't comfortable about him being there so they sent him back to jail a 2nd time on that same charge after loosing his time in jail he had to come home do all the registering & embarassing things as real offenders do we want information

Asked on 1/25/08, 1:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: sex offender

Most sex offenses can't be sealed, but you can do a google search for criminal record sealing in Florida, and you will come up with many lawyers who can help you with this.

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Answered on 1/27/08, 10:28 pm

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