Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Threats and harrassment by neighbors

My Neighbors are treating me with violence and harassing me on a daily basis they are even making false claims to any and all state agencies about me, Like The animal services and the county code enforcements. They are doing these things in retaliation to Me calling Child services and reporting suspected child neglect, They also know My fianc� is a Reg, Sex Offender and have known this since Oct But are NOW USING It to harass us and threaten us on a daily basis they constantly PLASTER his Sex Offender flyer All over their property that is Within 2 ft of another�s home and THAT person is my son and he has ask them to take them down but they only put more up. I informed them that because of all that is going on in the media about Sex offenders in this area they are not only putting My fianc� in grave danger But Myself as well and their reply was Good That�s what we want we hope someone will burn your hone down or kill you all'' Can I do ANYTHING! legally about this???? I am to scared to even go out in my own yard because of these people and all the horrible things they are doing to us.

Thank you in advance for any and all help.

Asked on 6/10/05, 9:21 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Valerie Masters Valerie Masters, P.A.

Re: Threats and harrassment by neighbors

i would contact the police

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Answered on 6/10/05, 12:02 pm

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