Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

violation of probation

My husband was pulled over in may of 2005 and was found with 5 grams of marijuana to which he voluntarily admited to. This was in WinterPark Florida. He was sentenced to 50 hrs of community service but after almost 3 years they say they only have 5 hrs on file and considered it a violation of probation. He was NEVER and has NEVER been arrested. He just found out a few days ago that there is a warrant for his arrest in Orange County. He hasn't even had a traffic ticket since may of 2005, he works and we have a baby on the way any day now! What can we do?! I tried contacting the clerk of courts to ask what we can do but a representative picked up and was VERY rude and not helpful at all.

Asked on 2/07/08, 11:19 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: violation of probation

If he has done the community service and has proof, this should be a simple matter to clear up. If he does not have actual written proof, then he will likely have to buy out the undocumented portion.

Either way you need an attorney to clear this matter up without having to turn himself in. Please call me and I would be happy to assist you with the matter.


Richard Hornsby

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Answered on 2/07/08, 11:26 am

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