Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Violation of probation warrant issued Feb. Of 2000

Plead guilty to charges that landed--name removed--on felony probation. Never completed the probation but its been since 2000 when the warrant was issued. What can I do about getting this closed if anything? Is there a way where it can be handled without--name removed--appearing? or is jail the only option. I've been clean since I violated no additional charges

Asked on 6/17/04, 3:28 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Violation of probation warrant issued Feb. Of 2000

To begin, there is no way to resolve this without appearing in court.

What you need to do is retain an attorney who can negotiate a resolution on your behalf. Likely this will find your attorney contacting the State Attorney about your case, negotitaing a resolution (whether it be jail or reinstatement is dependent on your judge's attitude towards VOPs), and then setting a hearing in which you will appear, admit to the violation and the Judge will impose the agreed upon resolution.

Also, you could always just turn yourself in and this will cause your case to be reopened. If you have a bond on your VOP warrant you may want to do this.

Richard Hornsby

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Answered on 6/17/04, 5:54 pm
Adam Frankel Adam Frankel, P.A.

Re: Violation of probation warrant issued Feb. Of 2000

To resolve your case you should contact an attorney in the area where the VOP warrant was issued.

They can hopefully resolve the matter by contacting the State Attorney's Office in the county wherein the VOP warrant was issued.

The consequences will greatly depend on what conditions of probation were not completed.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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Answered on 6/17/04, 7:26 pm

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