Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
What if I did not accept or say I was the person that the processor was trying to serve the papers too? What is their next step? I believe they are eviction papers and I've lived in this house 15+ yrs. married for 6yrs lived the yrs with him. Now we are not getting along and he wants me out.
Asked on 9/14/16, 3:09 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
David Slater
David P. Slater, Esq.
You cannot refuse proper service of process. Eviction is vo a tenant. If you are not a tenant you have a valid defense.
Answered on 9/14/16, 3:20 pm
John Smitten
Carey and Leisure
You cannot avoid service the landlord can just post the summons on your door.
Answered on 9/14/16, 6:16 pm