Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
How can I avoid my ex from increasing my child support when she's not following the court ordered visitations schedule?
Asked on 7/13/10, 9:38 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
Carmen Demapan
Blind Ear Law Group, PA.
One has nothing to do with the other. Sounds like you need to file a Motion for Contempt against her for her failure to adhere to the visitation schedule. She still has the right to file a Petition to Modify Child Support in the meantime.
Answered on 7/13/10, 12:46 pm
Carolyn Jones
Law Office of Carolyn R. Jones
Child support and Visitation are two separate issues. If your ex refuses to adhere to visitation schedule file a Motion for Contempt. You can find the forms at She can ask the court to increase child support in the interim.
Answered on 7/13/10, 12:55 pm