Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Child Custoday & Child Support Modification
I (single mom) currently have primary custody of my two children. For the past 21 mo. I have allowed my 11yr old son live with his father with the pretense this year they would move closer to our area. His father is now petioning for primary custody and a major reduction in support. I still have our 16 yr living with me. Please advise the best course of action. My son is not allowed to spend time with me if I do not agree to the current terms. Your response is greatly apprectiated.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Child Custoday & Child Support Modification
This is a question I could spend alot of time on -unless I can speak with you and get all the facts-my advice could be wrong.I would suggest you call me at my office to discuss this further.