Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

child services

My 15 & 17 year olds were placed with my brother due to repeated calls (from my vicious mother) Last week @ court I was granted unsupervised visits from the judge which was worded'' unsupervised visits awarded unless there are indications from the therapist that would indicate otherwise'' well Tues night I get a phone call from DCF revoking my privlidge because the thereapist supposably said something to that affect. to the kids gal. I asked to get a copy of what was reported & was told that it was all done through verbal & there was no copies. I spoke with the therapist who said she had no recollection of that conversation & that is not even her area of professionalism- she's not licensed to make those recommendations.

I asked DCF if my visitation would remain unsupervised until we went back before the judge- & was told no, effective now! How can they overturn my visitation privledge on a verbal converation with a therapist cliaming no recollection of and stating she's not even licensed to make such recommendations. (this is the therapist that DCF scheduled me & my kids to see) Is this legal & shouldn't they have to provide me with some type of documentation stating this instead of telling me it's from a verbal conversation?


Asked on 4/19/07, 11:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: child services

Explain to the judge exactly what you explain here. You have a right to know what you are accused of.

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Answered on 4/19/07, 1:04 pm

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