Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Child support question
I was ordered to pay child support for a child I never knew I had. I moved to California in May of 2004 I have proof. A notice to appear in court was sent to my old address in Florida. The summons to appear in court was signed by who ever was living there on March of 2005. I was living in California. I never recieved any court notice. Now an order has been placed against me. I recieved a letter from child support enforcement. There planning to take away my drivers license. I broke no law !!...I've been a full time college student for two semesters now. I just recieved this enforcement letter. I want to know if there is anything I can.? I want to know what the process is to summons someone to court...And what can I do to bring this matter back to court.?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Child support question
You should retain an attorney who practices in the court where the order was made. He should move to set aside the order for lack of notice to you. That would be thte quickest and easiest way to handle your problem. Good Luck, Pat McCrary