Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
How do I combine two Motions of Contempt in the state of Florida? My ex-husband has been non-compliant with our Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage and also with a Contempt of Court Order. (He has already been found in contempt for not following the DOM and has continued his practice). I would like to combine the two motions so that they will be heard at the same time. Do I file two separate Motions of Contempt or is there another way that I can go about it? Any help is appreciated.
4 Answers from Attorneys
Yes file 2 seperate motions and have them heard at the same hearing time with the judge. Contact my office for free consultation 727-446-7659.
Contempt is not as easy as showing inaction. Such motions must be specifically worded and must show that the person had the ability to act but failed to act. Furthermore, he must have an ability to defend himself after proper notice.
An attorney will need to review the bases for both contempt matters to see if the grounds are sufficient and if they can be included in one Motion.
Meet with a local Family Law Attorney for a review and Consultation.
Natalie Hall, Esq.
(407) 412-7035
Since the relief you are seeking is the same, it is easier to make one motion, mentioning both issues.
You should file a Motion for Contempt or enforcement and you should address both issues.