Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

Custody Rights

I am a single mother of a 17 month

old baby girl. I recently left my ex

boyfriend due to domestic violence

in the home. I have been giving my

ex his role as a father but he is just

taking things too far because if

things dont go according to his way,

I will never hear the end of it. If we

argue, which is only a weekly basis

or more, he treatens me about

taking me to court and taking our

daughter away from me.

Well I work full time and have been

taking my daughter to every doc

appts and caring for her since the

day she was born. so lately Ive also

noticed that when shes with me,

she gains weigh and when she

comes back from staying over his

house, she seems to have lost a 1-

2lbs. When I confront him on this

matter, he turns everything on me

about feeding her bad things(which

I dont) and tells me how im crazy

for thinking it. I need help in taking

the right steps in taking this to

court and what my rights are as a

mother to keep my child. Thanks in


Asked on 7/11/09, 3:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: Custody Rights

A paternity suit is always a good idea, since you can establish child support and visitation in writing, rather than just leaving it to a vague arrangement between the two of you.

But if you want to stop his visitation, you'll have to have a doctor testify that this weight loss is abnormal and have the doctor's records to show that the weight loss/weight gain is actually occurring.

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Answered on 7/11/09, 5:36 pm

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