Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
I have a daughter who will be five in April. Her biological father is not on birth certificate. The only time he saw her was at the hospital after she was born. I have receivied no money or support from him. Can I claim abandonment?
4 Answers from Attorneys
Maybe, but judges are EXTREMELY reluctant to declare a child abandoned and declare a parent a sole custodian.
I see no need for that because he has zero rights if he is not on the birth certificate. zero. Also the state attorney will not prosecute this. If you want to go to court for sole custody, Contact my office for free consultation 727-446-7659.
Since Paternity has not been established and he is not even on the birth certificate he would not be legally responsible to support the child. You will need to Establish him as the Father of your child by filing an Establishment of Paternity action with the court and asking that he provide Support for the child. Note that if you do this, he will be able to have Time sharing (visitation) with the child.
Natalie Hall, Esq.
(407) 412-7035
I believe Mr. Smitten may have misspoken - you do have sole custody - you do not need to establish that at all. If you are looking to revoking his parental rights so that a step parent could adopt this child, there are ways to do that. If I can be of assistance, please contact my office for an appointment 904-997-1031