Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

Desperate Mother in need of Help Father filed for change of custody

I have been seperated from the father of my son since April 2006. I was awarded custody and the father was awarded visitation. The father was ordered to pay child support in the amount of 650 dollars a month. After he had been paying for a while he went to the courts and asked them to lower the support. I responded to his request and allowed the order to be reduced to 433 a month. I moved to NC in August of 2008. Without realizing I had to petition the courts. I kept in contact with the father and was trying to work out a visitation schedule. He filed contempt against me at the court house. Once I received the paperwork that he had filed and was notified that I was not allowed to move by Florida statute I returned to Florida. We went to court over the contempt and he was awarded an extra weekend visitation a month to make up for the time I was in NC. I just received papers now that he is filing for custody of our 4 year old minor child stating that i am neglecting the welfare of the minor child and that he has a 2 bedroom home that him and the minor child can reside in. I am in desperate need of help and cannot afford upfront attorney fees. Any and all help would be appreciated. I am afraid of losing my son.

Asked on 2/25/09, 12:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: Desperate Mother in need of Help Father filed for change of custody

You can't afford NOT to have an attorney, especially if he has one. You child's welfare is at stake. You haven't said anything that makes me thing you will lose your son, but without a lawyer, the odds probably go up significantly. Beg, borrow, or find the money somewhere and get a lawyer.

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Answered on 2/25/09, 3:06 pm

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