Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
I have filed for divorce, have income of $1600 per month, ordered to pay $1300, two children, home in foreclosure, wife given temp percision, not paid mortgage in over a year, house in my name. This can't be right, what can i do?
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Divorce
File for a rehearing, or modification of the award of $1,300.00. Based on your assertions, such an award is outside the child support guidelines.
Re: Divorce
I don't quite understand. Is the divorce final? Do you have an actual order stating that you have to pay $1,300 per month in child support? Didn't you or your attorney contest this amount? Child or spousal support is not supposed to leave you unable to support yourself. What you can do depends on the actual situation (whether the order is temporary or final; whether there actually is an order; whether you true net income is indeed $1600 per month...).
Re: Divorce
I would suggest you call me or legal aid to review this situation.How could the court expect you to live on $300.00?