Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

My divorce has been finalized on July 2012. I have been appointed the prime legal guardian of our 17 year old child. If my ex would like to see our child, she has to communicate in advance to do so. Before our divorce, my child had a savings account where my ex was signed on because of the age of my minor daughter . This account unbeknownst to me, had restrictions for the minor, limiting all access (meaning she was not able to do any transactions on said account, except deposit). A few months ago, my daughter asked to her mom to remove the money of her account because she wants to get a car for her senior year, but her mom told her that she took all the money of the account. and she has no money to give her back. What can be done legally? Also, On October 2010, after seven months of start our divorce, she went to the bank and she took all of my children(two adult and the minor aforementioned mention) jewelry from our bank safe- deposit box. Our children has already asked for the jewelry back but she has not responded back. What can be done legally?

Asked on 9/27/14, 10:14 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

David Slater David P. Slater, Esq.

Can you prove whose money and jewelry it was before deposited?

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Answered on 9/27/14, 11:31 am
John Smitten Carey and Leisure

If he stole the money then he would be liable. You should go back to court and maybe get the police involved.

Use of a lawyer is recommended.

John Smitten, Esquire

Carey and Leisure

622 Bypass Drive, Suite 100

Clearwater, FL 33764

ph: 727-799-3900

ph: 1-800-927-0400

fax: 727-490-4944

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Answered on 9/28/14, 11:11 am

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