Legal Question in Family Law in Florida


i have lived with my wife for 2-1/2 yrs and been married to her for 3 months. She has never contributed to the household except for the occasional food bill. I have reciepts to prove this. I have owned the home for 7-1/2 yrs. She is an RN, outearns me and there are no children. What will she be entitled to in a divorce

Asked on 2/25/07, 8:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: divorce

She will be entitled to half of the marital assets (assets acquired during the marriage) and whatever individual property she brought with her into the marriage. The home should remain yours since, according to what you say, it was yours when you got married and she didn't contribute to its expenses or maintenance.

She should not be entitled to alimony because of the very shor marriage and because she apparently can support herself.

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Answered on 2/25/07, 8:54 pm

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