Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

I was sent divorce papers from my husband in prison

I received divorced papers by a deputy sheriff officer

in my town, from husband in prison. I signed them

and returned them to the correctional institution that

he was to. I recently tried to find out whether I was

divorced or not, but I don't know where to check.

I checked in the county that he was released in, but

no records was there. I never heard anything from

the divorce. Am I divorced?

Asked on 11/26/00, 8:14 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Melody Stickel-Martinez Melody Stickel-Martinez, Esq.

Re: I was sent divorce papers from my husband in prison

Did you keep a copy of the documents that you signed? If so, then look at the heading to find out which court has the original file and request a copy of the documents. If not, then the case is filed in one of two counties. In the county where you reside or the county in which he is in prison. Either way you can review the file and check to see if there is a Final Judgment.

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Answered on 11/29/00, 3:19 pm
Robert McCall Law Office of Robert McCall

Re: I was sent divorce papers from my husband in prison

You are not divorced until the judge says so. The cheapest way to find out is to take your copy of the divorce papers to the local Clerk of Court and have them check the central records registery maintained by the Florida Secretary of State. Good Luck.

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Answered on 11/29/00, 6:44 pm

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