Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Second divorce. How will childsupport be calculated?
I am considering a seperation from my current wife. I know in FL there is a slim chance I will get custody of my daughter since the mother has not caused her harm... I am currently paying childsupport from my 1st and do not understand how that will be handled in a new case... Will the obligation of my 1st child and 2nd be split or will they both get single obligations? My income varies between $60-75k but my base salary is $38k. 1st wife works, second wife does nothing (Part of reason for divorce. Doesn't work but expects everything for free). I have held off for the love of my daughter but can't take it anymore...
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Second divorce. How will childsupport be calculated?
The court-ordered support for your first child will be deducted from your gross income before the child support obligation for your second child is calculated.