Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

Divorced and living with ex-no splitting up

i have been divorced for 6 years but living with

my ex in a home he purchased 3 years ago. we are

raising a 10 year old. i haven't worked in 5 years

because we agreed i'd stay home. my car was traded

for a new one in his name also. what are my

rights. ie, house, car, land, does the original

decree still hold up? should it be modified? am i

entitled to anything? i was awarded 400 per month,

primary custody, a vehicle in the orginal, but now

the car is in his name. i will be forced to move

with my 10 year old as he claims this is his home,

however he moved out until school is out.. i am

really in need of some advise. anything, please.

thank you for your assistance. i can't find any help on this anywhere..

Asked on 4/04/00, 5:33 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Melody Stickel-Martinez Melody Stickel-Martinez, Esq.

Re: Divorced and living with ex-no splitting up

You do not have any rights to the car because it is in his name and you are divorced. You do not have any rights to the house because it is in his name and you are divorced. If you want to retain any rights to anything then keep your name on it. You are divorced, so anything that your ex purchases and puts in his name is his.

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Answered on 4/19/00, 2:03 pm

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