Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Domestic Abuse and Aftermath.
My daughter was involved in a domestic violence incident. She has been married 12 years and has not been working for at least the last five years.
Her husband has now left her and her daughter without any means of support. He has given her some money but not enough for her bills (light, electricity, rent). She is now soliticting the HRS and One Stop Center services. She has been advised to get a divorce. This cost money which she does not have. Furthermore, the rent is not being payed on time and the house will soon be in foreclosure. What can she do??? Is there any way to get assistance very soon?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Domestic Abuse and Aftermath.
Help her out. Lend her money. Help her get the money to hire a lawyer to file for divorce. A good lawyer will likely get her temporary alimony, reimbursement for her attorney fees and, if her child is also her husband's, child support. Also, help her get a job so that she's no longer in such a helpless position.