Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

My fiance and I are not together anymore...

So my fiance of almost 6 years decided one day that he was leaving. He took most of his valuables (electronics), but left a quite a bit at the home we were living in together (which I own). I wanted to know at which point is his stuff legally abandoned? (I have tried to be nice and mailed him some of his stuff, but he insists on coming over so he can ''inspect'' my house for his stuff.)

Also we bought a house together (not the one we were living in) and we agreed to split the proceeds, however he owes me money for some loans he has taken out and he agreed that he would use his portion of the proceeds to pay back the loan and then close it out. Since he is being very difficult regarding his personal belongings, do you think I should get an attorney to draft up an legal agreement stating that he WILL pay the loan back? Also he wants ''his'' lawyer to hold in escrow the money that we recieve from the home. Should I ask that we use a 3rd party instead of his personal lawyer (i'm just afriad that his lawyer will only be looking out for his interests).

Asked on 10/25/06, 9:17 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Thomas Rosenblum Rosenblum Law Offices

Re: My fiance and I are not together anymore...

Hello: I just read your question. There are a lot of issues here, so this will only be a general overview. Also, I have not researched the law on these issues. You would be ok letting his atty. keep any funds from the sale in his trust acct. I would make sure any agreements you have with your former partner is in writing. If you let his atty. prep. the docs., he will have to pay for that (unless he asks you for half). If he does have agreement prep., review them and if you feel it doesn't protect your interests enough, have your own atty. review it or tell him yourself what changes you want.

If he has personal property you have an interest in, you may need to file a civil suit against him. 'Hope this helps. Tom Rosenblum

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Answered on 11/09/06, 10:47 am

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