Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

My fiance has been divorced for two years, and he has two children (ages 5 and 8) with his ex-wife. When he divorced, he did not receive sound legal advice from his attorney and, consequently, signed the divorce papers and agreed to everything his ex-wife wanted. He is in the process of trying to change the visitation and child support. We have asked his ex-wife if she would be willing to go to mediation, and she is unresponsive. We are trying to avoid spending money he does not have (because most of his earning go to his ex) by going the mediation route. So my first question is: Will a judge order mediation, and, if so, how do we go about getting this done. Secondly, are there any "pro-bono" family law attorneys who would take his case at a reduced rate? After paying her every month, he has roughly $1,000 left to pay bills, buy food, and to care for his children. Please advise us on how to proceed. Thanks, Liz

Asked on 9/14/09, 2:00 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

So, his first lawyer screwed up and got him into this mess and now he wants the CHEAPEST LAWYER POSSIBLE to get him out of it? Do you see a disconnect here?

The judge will probably order mediation, but you'll want a good lawyer this time to go with him. Beg or borrow enough money to get a decent lawyer.

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Answered on 9/14/09, 11:14 pm

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