Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Holiday visitation
My wife and I have joint custody with a set visitation schedule. With her being Jewish, we both want our son to spend the holidays with her in September. Just so happens my visitation falls on Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur. I've offered fair changes in the visitation yet she's refused. She now has her attorney saying that religious holidays supercede all other visitation and make up dates don't have to be given. Is this correct? If so I'll go the better part of a month without seeing my son. It's a very difficult & contentious relationship between his mother and I, to the point we don't speak at all. What are my alternatives to just dealing with it?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Holiday visitation
First, check your Final Judgment for what it calls for during the holidays. I do not believe holidays supercede visitation in that there would not be "makeup" time. It's good you are dealing with this in advance. You can write the judge or get an atty. and ask for a ruling. Good Luck. Tom Rosenblum
Re: Holiday visitation
It would up to the court to modify the schedule. You have the right to seek its enforcement.