Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

my husband filed for divorce in august papers were served that i just found in a tenents room who just moved out who signed for them and i did not know; it said 20 days to respond, can i still respond since i was not personally served and didn't know?

also me and my husband got back together and he told me he filed and wrote a motion to dismiss the divorce but i never took it to court house because i thought he was just screwing with me, now that i seen the papers and his request i am digusted, he is an abusive cheating alcohlic and its still not working out i was just played once again so he could have a place to stay, till he got himself up and running again. my main question is can i still respond past the deadline since i was not personally served and just found the papers or should i just submit the motion to dismiss and refile with my own terms, nov 7 will be 6 years and he asked for alimony and wants to dump- all the debt on me there are no assets and the furniture is all premarritial,, there is also a lengthy record of the domestic violence agains me and his prior relationships i also have plenty of text messages pics and witnesses of his extra martial affairs

Asked on 11/05/12, 12:37 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

John Smitten Carey and Leisure

You need to respond to the divorce paperwork asap. Contact my office for free consultation.

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Answered on 11/05/12, 2:09 am
Lucreita Becude Lucreita D. Becude, P.A.

First of all contact the court and find out if he did in fact have the case voluntarily dismissed. If he did not and no other papers have been filed, then you certainly need to file an answer. If you use his file number you can save the filing fee which is $409.00. If the file was closed, then pay the fee of $50.00 to reopen it by filing an answer. If I can be of assistance to you, please contact my office for an appointment. Note: you will need to file an Answer before a default is entered.

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Answered on 11/05/12, 6:40 am

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