Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
In a legal aspect if a person who is capable of handeling his own matters signs over power of attorney to help him with changing custody wouldnt that mean he's incapable of makong his own decisions for the children?
Asked on 8/05/13, 7:10 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
Brent Rose
The Orsini & Rose Law Firm
In a normal aspect, if I'm capable of cutting my grass, but I ask someone to cut my grass for me and sign a contract for them to cut the grass, does that mean I'm incapable of cutting the grass or I just feel like watching the game that day?
Answered on 8/05/13, 9:26 pm
John Smitten
Carey and Leisure
Question not clear. A person can give limited POA to another but not necessarily to file for custody.
Answered on 8/06/13, 2:49 am