Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
I have been legally seperated with all papers signed but not yet filed for my divorce. I was very much in love wife my wife when we went for the divorce but she was an alcholic and I couldn't stay any longer. I had a difficult time finding and attorney and it ends up the one I did get wasn't very good. The reason I am in need at this time is now I have a level head on my shoulder and would like to review the minutes of the mediations which I never recieved, I had expected my attorney to review them and the agreement before I signed it but I am finding out that he dedn't or I agreed to alot of things I didn't understand. I am not crying in my beer I just want to find out what was said and what was put on paper then I'll live by it. I want to proceed with the divorce but before I do I want to be sure I have no other options regarding past commitments and agreements then can be appealed or changed. I also need to konw where to bring the final papers and how long it will take to be finalized.
1 Answer from Attorneys
If "minutes" (or notes) were taken at your mediation, it's doubtful that the mediator will release them. In fact, it's far more likely that the notes were destroyed after the mediation was concluded. If you signed a settlement agreement, then that's your agreement unless your wife agrees to a change. More people who come out of mediation aren't completely happy with what they signed, but that's the nature of settlement.
If you've both signed and agreed on all issues, then your case is settled, and you need to set you case for a final uncontested hearing, at which time you'll be divorced.