Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
I live in Florida and my ex lives in Pennsylvania. We have joint custody but she has residential custody. My daughter now 14 wants to live with me and my family. She is coming out to visit for the summer. Can I file in Florida for custody or do I have to file in Pennsylvania? The order was originally in Illinois, then Mississippi, then West Virginia and now Pennsylvania. She keeps moving not me. I have a stable life, have been remarried for almost 11 years. I make great money. Her mom works, but treats her bad. Tells her everything is all my fault. I pay 995 in child support but she is always telling my daughter she can't do anything cause she is broke and I didn't pay her (it goes to her automatically every month). She even tells her to call me and ask for more money. My daughter is sick of being treated bad and wants to come live with me. What do I need to do and where?
3 Answers from Attorneys
Unless child abuse is occurring in Pennsylvania, it's very doubtful that you can file in Florida. You probably need to file in Pennsylvania, but it depends how long your daughter has lived there. You'll have to speak to an attorney to know for sure.
You have to file in PA. You will lose if you try to file in FL after a summer visit.
You will need to file your case in Pennsylvania. You should consult with an attorney from there right away.