Legal Question in Family Law in Florida


I married in 1977, had a daughter in 1978, and separated in 1979. My husband went home to NJ and I have only seen him once since, in Dec 1983. He has since all but disappeared off the face of the Earth. I have wanted to divorce him for 28 years but can't find him, and so have never remarried. His family knows where he is, I believe, but will not tell me. (Ohio I think) His sister has told my daughter that he claims to have gotten a divorce, but I think he is lying. He then remarried. I don't know how he could have gotten a divorce without my knowledge. In Florida, I think when you have minor children (which she was when he remarried) you can't just get a quickie uncontested divorce. I want to remarry, but I am afraid if I do I'll be breaking the law, and my luck, I would get caught. I don't know what to do. What are my recourses? Meanwhile, guaranteed he is a bigamist.

Asked on 3/06/07, 9:24 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Slater David P. Slater, Esq.

Re: Marriage/divorce

He can be served with papers through publication in a newspaper.

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Answered on 3/06/07, 11:01 am

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