Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Moving and child custody (domestic violence and stalking issues as well)
I have been divorced for nearly a year now. The divorce decree states that I am the primary residential parent and we have shared parental responsibilities. Our decree also states that I have to reamin in the state of Florida. Am I allowed to move 50-80 miles from where I am at now with our child? This would be to get away from the borderline stalking and verbally abuse from my abusive ex. I have many instances of my ex making comments about my whereabouts (my comings and goings) and he is accurate on the times practically down to the millisecond. He is also extremely verbally abusive towards me. He was physically abusive while we were married. I would be moving to be closer to my family so I could have assistance. Would this be considered a change of circumstances for him to file for a modification of custody? Should I get my ducks in a row and ask the courts permission to move? I know he will not give permission so not even going to ask. He is a batterer and with me being closer to friends anf family he will lose more control. Again this would only be maximum of 80 miles away and would be to a larger city with more job and educational opportunities and more support by way of my family.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Moving and child custody (domestic violence and stalking issues as well)
1. Move
2/.Since his visistation would be affected, i would expect a court proceeding.