Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
I don't know if my question went through. It was pertaining to alimony check not getting to me by the 5th of the month as agreed. Can I put a lien against ex's home for the remainder of the 10 years owed? Or can I sue him for the entire amount to be paid immediately. Help!!!! I will most likely need attorney in Tampa Bay, FL area..lso can I sue him and make him pay my attorney fees, I m tired of having to pay an attorney when he is the one in contempt of the court order....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please
2 Answers from Attorneys
Request the Judge issue an Income Deduction Order. This is order to the employer, not former spouse to send the funds to the State Disbursement Unit. This is a very effective tool and keeps Former Husband from having any control or being able to threaten.
File a motion to have the alimony deducted from his pay every 2 weeks and have it processed by the clerk.
Use of a lawyer is recommended.
John Smitten, Esquire
Carey and Leisure
622 Bypass Drive, Suite 100
Clearwater, FL 33764
ph: 727-799-3900
ph: 1-800-927-0400
fax: 727-490-4944