Legal Question in Family Law in Florida


During our divorce my ex wife was denied relocation, she met 0 of the criteria and basically wanted to just alienate me from the kids. Now I am having trouble making support & have been offered a job in NC. I may be forced to move or go to jail. If I move, will she be allowed to move also even thought she was denied initially. She wants to move to AZ. That would make it much harder for me to fly in once or twice a month to see my children. Also, if I have joint custody but not primary residential custody do I have to petition the court to leave also?

Asked on 2/27/09, 3:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: Relocation

You will subtsantially weaken your objection to her relocation if you move out of state, probably to the point where she will be allowed to relocate the kids.

You are allowed to move wherever you want. The statute forbids moving the kids, not the adults.

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Answered on 2/28/09, 4:06 pm

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