Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Rights of an in again/out again father
My son's father has been in and out of his life for the past year. The father never acknowledged my son til he was 18 mos old. He is now almost 3. He has been making threats of taking custody from me and if he can not geet custody he will demand vistation on his terms. My question is, do I have to agree to him taking off with my son, who has down syndrome and other medical concerns. He has never shown any concern for my son's well being and now I am terrifed that he will show up and just take off with him. He has a violent past and I have tried to get an order of protection but he always has someone giving him an alibi so the judge never continues the temp order. What should I do?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Rights of an in again/out again father
Courts are reluctant to eliminate or restrict parents rights. If your ex is unwilling to discuss this with you, maybe it would be a good idea to engage a family law mediator to discuss this with him. A mediator is a conciliator. If your ex will not work with you, perhaps you should apply to the Court for directions. Do not violate any court order,