Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
To start off I was never married to my child's father ( my child will not arrive until November 20th 2014). I live in Tampa Florida, he lives in Jacksonville Florida (4/5 hours difference) , He has a full nursery here, his health insurance is already taken care of and through me, I work from home so he will be safe and not in a day care ( however I can not relocate my job completely due to there are monthly meetings/event meetings occasionally that I can not miss). I do plan on breast feeding and have paid for most everything by myself (he has paid 400 dollars towards medical expenses but I have a high risk pregnancy and I have paid for everything the child needs as well as medical care beyond the original 400 dollars and every payment to the doctor was late on his end when he did make these payments). I do plan on putting him on the birth certificate for child support/social security reasons, and I do not want to be looked at as one of those mothers who looks like a crazy baby snatcher later on when he decides he wants to take me to court. I would like to know the steps to take in florida, I have done some research about visitation and co-parenting plans, but I am not sure how it will work or in different cities, I feel like he thinks he can take a breast feeding newborn four hours away whenever he pleases, but if he isn't financially responsible I am worried about his responsibility in general as well as breast feeding having the most health benefits for the baby. I just need the steps, or what to do. I am a new mother and very nervous but would like to at least start the ball rolling
3 Answers from Attorneys
He is the father he has rights. If he lives out of state he will have to travel here at least in the beginning to bond with the child. You have to petition the court to establish parental rights and child support. Use of a lawyer is recommended.
John Smitten, Esquire
Carey and Leisure
622 Bypass Drive, Suite 100
Clearwater, FL 33764
ph: 727-799-3900
ph: 1-800-927-0400
fax: 727-490-4944
I agree with the previous attorney. I recommend that you retain an experienced family law attorney in your home county. As the previous attorney said, he is the father and he has rights to see his baby.
Please know that even if you put his name on the birth certificate, it does NOT give him visiting rights. If he wants to be a parent, then let him file for visitation with the court. You can still file for child support and medicaid coverage. Until the court gives him an Order stating that he has visitation with the child, he DOES NOT.
I am not advocating either way but I think the previous answers you obtained were not what you really asked. Yes, he should bond with his child but if he is not going to pay support to help or apply for visitation then that's on him.
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