Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
State Residency Law
I had a child out of wedlock who is now three. After seperating from her dad; our daughter remained in the home with me and he had visitation every other weekend. Myself,my new husband and my daughter relocated to Tn. because my husband had an opp. to have his own buisness here. I spoke with her dad prior to our move and we left visitation open. He now more then six months later is sueing me for custody in the State of Fl., on the grounds that I can't provide for her emotional needs. I need to know what the laws are pertaining to our not living in Fl. and can he sue me from another state ? He filed the papers on Aug. 23 2006 and I moved to Tn. on March 19 2006. I would greatly appreciate your advice.
Thank You,
Lost in Tn.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: State Residency Law
Retain an attorney in the Florida. Good luck.