Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

substaintial shared custody- extended visitation

My husband has a court ordered visitation in FL for every weekend fri-sun but we have his son more-- approximately 43% of the time according to the guidlines for substaintial shared parenting in FL. Anytime my stepson's mother wants us to take him we rarely say no unless we have plans and we help as often as possible. She now is taking us to court for more child support but we have him most of the time or he is in daycare when she has him which she gets goverment funding for so she pays next to nothing. We are even helping her pay for his summer camp care. My question is if we oppose the child support increase will they take the gross up method of computing support in florida into consideration even though it is not court ordered that we have him that much? I keep a record of how many nights we have him ( 2006 we had him 159 nights and saw him 211 of the days of the year).

Asked on 4/10/07, 7:15 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Gordon Nicol Law Office of Gordon T. Nicol

Re: substaintial shared custody- extended visitation

The court can consider the amount you have the child in your care in computing child support.

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Answered on 4/11/07, 1:05 pm

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