Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Summer Visitation
In my final judgement it states that I pay $725.00 child support per month for my 1 daughter and that during my 6 week summer visitation that this amount be reduced by 50%. However, my ex is fabricating delays in the release of my daughter for the summer as she does not want to forfiet the 50% of the child support payment. What rights do I have in guaranteeing that I get to spend the entire 6 weeks each year with my daughter as I always make the visitation arrangemnts in plenty of time and almost the same time each year?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Summer Visitation
If you have a visitation schedule which you do and the court signs an order to that effect then if you or your wife does not abide by that court order and agreement, then either of you can be held in contempt. You are entitled to this visitation, you have it scheduled out and if she does not abide by it then file your contempt motion. Feel free to contact me. (954)966-4140 Melody Stickel-Martinez, Esq.