Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

Typo in my divorce settlement?

I believe there is a typo in my divorce settlement. It states verbatim:

''The Husband's child support obligation to the Wife for a child as set forth herein shall automatically terminate upon the child reaching the age of majority or upon his graduation from high school if he will graduate before he reaches the age of 19 years, or upon the child dying, marrying, joining the armed services of the US or otherwise becoming emancipated, whichever occurs first.''

My question is, when does my child support stop, when my child turns 18 (1/2009) or when my child graduates high school (6/2009)?

Asked on 2/17/09, 2:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: Typo in my divorce settlement?

There's no typo. Child support ends at graduation (6/2009). It's just poorly written.

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Answered on 2/17/09, 3:07 pm

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