Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

Venue Change Family Court

Both former husband (FH)wife(FW) divorced in Broward County, Florida. FH gave FW permission to move to Clay County Florida in 2005. FH no longer resides in Broward County as of July, 2007. FH has so far been found in 5 contempts of the marital settlement agreement. FW is on permanent disabilty and FH does not pay child support and alimony as he should (a sixth motion for child support enforcement is filed in court). FW filed motion to have the venue change from Broward to Clay County florida where her and minor child reside. FW was denied by the court (child modification and sixth motion for contempt is filed and FW told court she is willing to strike the motions if she can get the venue change and then will refile at a later date) the venue change. FW is indigent, is on medicaid, etc. FW cannot afford to keep purchasing airline tickets and cabs to get to her court hearings and leave minor child (16) Is there anything else she can do or cases to help her get venue change?

Asked on 9/14/08, 8:31 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: Venue Change Family Court

Venue is where the original divorce occurred or where the Former Husband resides (since the motions are against him). Since you are the filer of the motions (you are the one seeking relief), you can't force him to come where you want him to. The judge is right to deny your venue change.

I've found that judges are often reasonable about letting people appear by phone in most circumstances, though. Perhaps you could ask.

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Answered on 9/16/08, 10:39 am

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